+94 11 7441111 eastwest@ewm.lk

Chairman Message

Chairman’s Message

Empowered by the change of ownership, East West Marketing is the FMCG department of its parent company Nawaloka Holdings, which is a dominant player in the Hospital, Construction, Manufacturing, Aviation, Education, Finance, Real Estate, Pharmaceutical etc. and a host of other industries. East West Marketing strives to leverage on the financial support, corporate brand support and corporate backing of Nawaloka Holdings, to move ahead more aggressively to establish itself as the best distributing company in the country.

The company is keen on innovating in terms of products as well as processes, in order to be in line with the upward moving business trends. East West Marketing has upgraded its IT systems, which has given the company the ability to integrate stocks, debtors, front office and back office functions, giving senior management real time information through dashboards.

East West Marketing has also outsourced non-key activities such as physical distribution, manufacturing and packaging, while prioritizing its efforts on its core activities of buying and selling. “We are now more focused on our sales and marketing, brand building in order to take the company forward

Recognizing the changing consumer trends such as quality and health consciousness, East West Marketing is taking strong measures to ensure the quality of its products in order to meet customer demand. While dealing with both foreign imports and local goods, the company is also engaged in its own manufacturing – which it hopes to improve in the near future.